Title Indemnity Insurance

Title indemnity insurance, or defective title insurance, covers a whole array of insurance policies providing cover to home owners against possible defects in a property title. Often a cost effective and easy way to put home owners, and lenders, at ease these can be taken out easily and, unlike other insurance policies, only require a one off payment. Such Title Insurance Policies include:

  • Chancel Repair
  • FENSA and other installation certificates
  • Freehold Restrictive Covenants
  • Lack of Building Regulation Consent
  • No Local Authority Search
  • Freehold Rent Charge

Legal Brokers have developed a line of products that can be put on risk at the push of a button. All policies are easy to understand and provide the required level of cover.

To discuss your Title Indemnity Insurance needs contact us on 0345 603 0708 or email Darren@legalbrokers.com.

Title Indemnity Insurance
Legal Brokers Ltd